Blog for The Green Hand Bookshop, 661 Congress Street, Portland, Maine, founded November 2009.
The Green Hand is a general used bookstore, carrying a wide range of well-organized but eclectic materials. While we have a little bit of everything (almost!), weird fiction and weird non-fiction are our favorites.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Lovecraft on the wall
All this month we are featuring an art show of work inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, weird fiction author par exemplar of the 1920s-1930s pulps. The show, titled "Madness Immemorial: A Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft," features work is by two artists, Brandon Kawashima and myself, Michelle Souliere. Brandon's work consists of 5 graphite and ink pieces and one watercolor piece, and my work collects 2 graphite pieces and 3 pieces in color pencil on velvety black Somerset paper.
For those of you unable to make it to the show while it is up (through April 4, 2012), I did film a quick video during the opening, when the Watchers played their peculiar brand of surf music as accompaniment for the event, to give you a feel for both the work and the event. I've also included examples of the pieces below, which you can click to see larger versions.
Loved this to see it briefly right before it came down. Thanks for exhibiting!